Distributed XML Query Processing

Speaker:	Professor M. Tamer Özsu
		Cheriton School of Computer Science
		University of Waterloo

Title:		"Distributed XML Query Processing"

Date:		Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Time:		10:30am - 11:30am

Venue:		Room 3412 (via lifts 17/18), HKUST


XML is commonly used to store data and to exchange it between a variety of
systems. While centralized querying of XML data is increasingly well
understood, the same is not true in a scenario where the data is spread
across multiple nodes in a distributed system. Since the size of XML data
collections are increasing along with the heavy workloads that need to be
evaluated on top of these collections, scaling a centralized solution is
becoming increasingly difficult. A common method for addressing this issue
is to distribute the data and parallelize query execution. This is well
understood in relational databases, but the issues are more complicated in
the case of XML data due to the complexity of the data representation and
the flexibility of the schema definition. In this talk, I will introduce
our project to systematically study distributed XML processing issues. The
talk will focus on data fragmentation and localization issues and present
some of our early optimization techniques.

This is joint work with Patrick Kling


M. Tamer Özsu is Professor of Computer Science and University Research
Chair at the University of Waterloo. Previously, he was with the
Department of Computing Science of the University of Alberta between 1984
and 2000. His current research focuses on three areas: (a) Internet-scale
data distribution, (b) multimedia data management, and (c) structured
document management mainly within the context of XML query processing and

Dr. Özsu was the Director of the Cheriton School of Computer Science from
January 2007 to June 2010. He has served as the Acting Chair of the
Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta during
1994-1995, and again, for a brief period, in 2000.

He is a Fellow of ACM and the IEEE, and a member of Sigma Xi. He is the
recipient of 2006 ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award, and the 2008
Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Ohio State University College of

Dr. Özsu is the co-author, with Patrick Valduriez, of the book Principles
of Distributed Database Systems whose third edition will come out in early
2011. He is also the co-editor-in-chief, with Ling Liu, of the
Encyclopedia of Database Systems (Springer). He is the Series Editor of
Synthesis Lectures on Data Management (Morgan & Claypool). He serves on
the editorial boards of Distributed and Parallel Databases Journal, World
Wide Web Journal, and Information Technology Management, and two Springer
Book Series: Advanced Information & Knowledge Processing, and Web
Information Systems Engineering and Internet Technologies. He has served
as the Program Chair of ICDE (2007), VLDB (2004), WISE (2001), IDEAS
(2003), and CIKM (1996) conferences and the General Chair of WISE (2006)
and CAiSE (2002) conferences among others; he has been on the Program
Committees of many conferences, symposia and workshops.