Harnessing the Synergy between Neural and Probabilistic Machine Learning: Data Representations and Model Structures

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PhD Thesis Defence

Title: "Harnessing the Synergy between Neural and Probabilistic Machine 
Learning: Data Representations and Model Structures"


Mr. Xiaopeng LI


Learning from data is the central ability of machine learning and modern 
artificial intelligence systems. Deep learning provides the powerful 
capability of learning representations from data, and has achieved great 
success for many perception tasks, such as visual object recognition and 
speech recognition. While deep learning excels at learning representations 
from data, probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) excel at learning 
statistical relationships among variables (reasoning) and learning model 
structures (structure learning) from data. Both capabilities are important 
to machine intelligence, and have mutual benefits to each other. The 
representation learning ability of deep neural networks can be 
incorporated into probabilistic graphical models to enhance the reasoning 
capabilities. On the other hand, the reasoning and structure learning 
ability of probabilistic graphical models can be useful to improve the 
power of deep neural networks and learn the model structures for them. The 
synergy between neural and probabilistic machine learning provides more 
powerful and flexible tools for learning data representations and model 

The aim of this thesis is to advance both deep learning and probabilistic 
graphical models fields by harnessing the synergy between them for 
unsupervised representation and structure learning. In this thesis, we 
focus on two parts: learning the representations for probabilistic 
graphical models with deep learning and learning the structures for deep 
learning with probabilistic graphical models. The capability of deep 
neural networks and the flexibility of probabilistic graphical models make 
the methods suitable for various supervised and unsupervised tasks, such 
as recommender systems, social network analysis, classification and 
cluster analysis. The contributions of this thesis are as follows.

First, we propose Collaborative Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) and 
Relational Variational Autoencoder (RVAE) to bring deep generative models 
like Variational Autoencoder (VAE) into probabilistic graphical models to 
perform representation learning on high dimensional data for supervised 
tasks, such as recommendation and link prediction. Joint learning 
algorithms involving variational and amortized inference are proposed to 
enable the learning of such models.

Second, we propose Tree-Receptive-Field network (TRF-net) to automatically 
learn a sparsely-connected multilayer of feedforward neural networks from 
scratch in an unsupervised way. With the analogy of sparse connectivity in 
convolutional networks, we learn the sparse structure of feedforward 
neural networks by learning probabilistic structures among variables from 
data in an unsupervised way, utilizing rich information in data beyond 
class labels, which are often discarded in supervised classification.

Finally, we propose Latent Tree Variational Autoencoder (LTVAE) to learn 
the latent superstructures in variational autoencoder and simutaneously 
perform unsupervised representation and structure learning for 
multidimensional cluster analysis. Cluster analysis for high-dimensional 
data, such as images and texts, are challenging, and often real-world data 
have multiple valid ways of clustering rather than just one. We seek to 
simutaneously learn the representations of high-dimensional data and 
perform multi-facet clustering in a single model. Learning algorithms 
using StepwiseEM with message passing have been proposed for end-to-end 
learning of deep neural networks and Bayesian networks.

Date:			Monday, 19 August 2019

Time:			3:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:			Room 3494
 			Lifts 25/26

Chairman:		Prof. Ricky Lee (MAE)

Committee Members:	Prof. Nevin Zhang (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Brian Mak
 			Prof. Huamin Qu
 			Prof. Wenjing Ye (MAE)
 			Prof. Wray Buntine (Monash University)

**** ALL are Welcome ****