Geometry Level of Detail

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "Geometry Level of Detail"

Mr. Liang Hu


Geometry has played an ultimate role in computer graphics, and the most
common type of geometry in graphics is triangle mesh due to its simplicity
in representation and native hardware support for fast rendering. Due to
the increasing complexity of meshes, it is usually hard to manipulate them
without simplifications. Geometry level of detail (LOD) has been studied
extensively which mainly consists of simplification methods and
simplification representations of triangle meshes. The mesh
simplifications methods reduce the complexity of an original mesh by
simplifying unimportant portions of the mesh without sacrificing the
quality of the mesh. Most simplification methods successively select
elements, e.g. edges or triangles, as candidates to simplify on the
current mesh based on various error metrics. From the simplification
methods the simplification representation or the LOD of a mesh is then
created for on the fly view-dependent selective refinement and fast
rendering. We will discuss the state of the art of mesh simplification and
LOD rendering techniques and give possible research directions on the

Date:     		Thursday, 26 June 2008

Time:                   2:00p.m.-4:00p.m.

Venue:                  Room 3501
			lifts 25-26

Committee Members:      Dr. Pedro Sander (Supervisor)
			Dr. Ke Yi (Chairperson)
			Dr. Philip Fu
			Dr. Chiew-Lan Tai

**** ALL are Welcome ****