Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Next Generation Networks

PhD Thesis Proposal Defence

Title: "Cross-Layer Resource Allocation for Next Generation Networks"


Mr. Jian PU


The resource management mechanisms such as flow control and rate adaptation is 
critically important to make the Internet work efficiently and stably. As more 
and more high-speed, lossy, long-delay and/or variable-delay links are widely 
deployed in the Internet, traditional resource management schemes exhibit 
several shortcomings, such as poor utilization of the bottleneck link, unfair 
bandwidth allocation to different RTT flows, incorrect interpretation of 
bit-error packet loss as congestion, and slow responsiveness to fast-changing 
link conditions of mobile nodes. To address these problems, we develop flexible 
and adaptive cross-layer schemes that optimize the performance (throughput, 
latency, fairness, etc.) of the whole system. We propose Quick Flow Control 
Protocol (QFCP) as a router-assisted congestion control protocol for high 
bandwidth-delay product networks. It allows flows to start with high initial 
sending rates indicated by routers along the path and to converge to the 
fair-share sending rate quickly based on feedbacks from routers. We next extend 
QFCP to wireless networks so that it can distinguish bit-error loss from 
congestion loss and probe the unknown bandwidth capacity of wireless links in 
calculating the router feedback. Regarding to the unique characteristics of 
vehicular networks such as the high node mobility and unpredictable channel 
conditions, we propose an efficient model-tree-based rate adaptation scheme 
termed MTRA that can predict the packet error rate (PER) and adapt the data 
rate in real time. We present a detailed methodology for the PER model tree 
building and update. We also validate and evaluate our developed schemes under 
various environments and conditions comparing with other existing protocols. 
Performance evaluation of these simulations is presented here and the 
preliminary results are promising.

Date:     		Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Time:                   10:00am - 12:00noon

Venue:                  Room 5565
 			lifts 27-28

Committee Members:      Prof. Mounir Hamdi (Supervisor)
 			Dr. Brahim Bensaou (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Jogesh Muppala
 			Dr. Qian Zhang

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