Ziyi LIU

Ziyi LIU 劉子繹

PhD in Computer Science, The University of Queensland

Research Assistant Professor

Ziyi LIU


Room 3208A

Personal Webpage


Research Area

Data, Knowledge and Information Management

Research Interests

Spatiotemporal data management; Graph; Machine learning


Ziyi Liu is currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Queensland in 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Wen Hua.

Ziyi has been working in the field of spatiotemporal and graph data management, especially on route planning in dynamic and multiple-constrained environments, along with the indexing and query processing of discrete spatiotemporal data. He has published as the first author in prestigious journals and top international conferences, including PVLDB, ICDE, VLDBJ, and PACIS.