Online Large-scale Visual Data Retrieval and Application

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Final Year Thesis Oral Defense

Title: "Online Large-scale Visual Data Retrieval and Application"


FENG Haoan


Nowadays, a tremendous amount of data is uploaded onto the Internet for 
the public or private purpose of usage, within which visual data holds a 
large stake. Images, videos, 3D models are common forms of visual data 
available on the internet. There are plenty of communities for sharing and 
exchanging this kind of data. For instance, Facebook, one of the most 
representative applications of the social network, provides a platform for 
individuals express themselves with text, images, and even videos. We are 
living in the epoch of information era. The data explosion is an on-going 
process, in which larger and larger amount of data have been created, 
uploaded and accessed all over the world. With the help of the internet 
and modern electronic devices, normal individuals are transforming into 
the information creators.

Scientists have been researched for decades to explore the approaches that 
human being can use to handle the data. As a result, many science branches 
come into their shapes, such as database management, data mining, computer 
vision, etc. However, the technological challenges behind the management 
and usage of the tremendous amount of data still exist. Moreover, among 
all types of online available data, visual data, including images and 
videos, is one that bears much potential. An effective way to extract 
useful information is still being researched. The proper pre-processing, 
storage method and techniques for fast retrieval are hot research 
directions, which will be covered in this final year thesis.

Date            : 24 April 2018 (Tuesday)

Time            : 13:00 - 13:40

Venue           : Room 1505 (near lifts 25/26), HKUST

Advisor         : Prof. QUAN Long

2nd Reader      : Prof. TAI Chiew-Lan