Algorithms for Data Management and Migration

Speaker:	Samir Khuller
		University of Maryland

Title: 		"Algorithms for Data Management and Migration"

Date: 		Thursday, 06 August, 2009

Time:		3-4pm

Venue:		Room 3464 (via lifts 25/26), HKUST


We will consider some fundamental optimization problems that arise in the 
context of data storage and management. In the first part of the talk we 
will address the following question: How should we store data in order to 
effectively cope with non-uniform demand for data? How many copies of 
popular data objects do we need? Where should we store them for effective 
load balancing? In the second part of the talk we will address the issue 
of moving data objects quickly, to react to changing demand patterns. We 
will develop approximation algorithms for both these problems.

The first part of the talk is joint work with Golubchik, Khanna, 
Thurimella and Zhu. The second part is joint work with Kim and Wan.


Samir Khuller received his M.S and Ph.D from Cornell University in 1989 
and 1990, respectively. He spent 2 years as a Research Associate at the 
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Maryland, 
before joining the Computer Science Department in 1992, where he is a 
Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He was the Associate 
Chair for Graduate Studies from 2004 to 2008.

His research interests are broadly in combinatorial optimization with a 
focus on graph algorithms, discrete optimization, and data storage 
management. He has published several journal and conference papers, and 
several book chapters on these topics.

He received the National Science Foundation's Career Development Award, 
the Dean's Teaching Excellence Award and also a CTE-Lilly Teaching 
Fellowship. In 2003, he and his students were awarded the "Best newcomer 
paper" award for the ACM PODS Conference. He received the University of 
Maryland's Distinguished Scholar Teacher Award in 2007 and a Google 
Research Award.