PhD Thesis Proposal Requirement

Each PhD candidate is required to submit a thesis proposal and to defend the proposal at a public oral examination, normally within one (1) year after satisfying the qualifying requirement.

A thesis proposal examination committee consisting of a minimum of four (4) faculty members (including the advisor(s)) should be set up at least six (6) weeks before the date of the thesis proposal defense. A majority of the thesis proposal examination committee members must be from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Director of Postgraduate Studies shall appoint the chair of the examination committee. The thesis proposal should be distributed by email to the committee members with copy to at least two (2) weeks prior to the oral examination.

The PhD thesis proposal requirement can be attempted at most twice (2). The second attempt must be completed within six (6) months of the first attempt. The thesis proposal requirement must be completed before attempting the final thesis defense.

To schedule a PhD thesis proposal defense, please complete and submit the online form Request to Schedule a PhD Thesis Proposal Defense (ITSC login required).