A Survey on Polarization-based Models in Computer Vision

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "A Survey on Polarization-based Models in Computer Vision"


Mr. Chenyang LEI


Light is a transverse electromagnetic wave. The polarization of light is a 
property that relates to the direction of the constituent electric and 
magnetic fields. When light interacts with an object, the polarization 
state might be changed, which can provide additional information for the 
materials, the surface of objects. In this survey, we give a comprehensive 
introduction about polarization-based models in computer vision. 
Specifically, we firstly introduce the physical property of a polarization 
light. Next, polarization-based models in 3D vision, image enhancement, 
and other applications are reviewed. Their limitations and applicable 
scenes are also analyzed. Moreover, the connections between different 
tasks are discussed. In the end, we conclude this survey by discussing 
several potential research opportunities.

Date:			Monday, 3 August 2020

Time:                  	2:00pm - 4:00pm

Zoom Meeting:		https://hkust.zoom.us/j/94206129163

Committee Members:	Dr. Qifeng Chen (Supervisor)
  			Prof. Pedro Sander (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai
 			Dr. Sai-Kit Yeung

**** ALL are Welcome ****