School-Level Service
- Director, Computer Engineering Program 1998– 2006
- The Computer Engineering (CPEG) Program at HKUST is one of the largest undergraduate programs in the School of Engineering. This Program has almost 330 undergraduate students. It attracts high-school graduates from Hong Kong as well as from China, and other parts of the world. I had been with CPEG since it was founded in 1993. At that time I was appointed as Associate Director of the Program. Then, since 1998, I was appointed as the Director of this Program until 2006. Normally, the Directorship of this Program is for a two-year period. However, the Dean invites me to remain as Director every time my appointment expires. As a result, I was director for 8 years.
- Some of the administrative duties as Director of the Computer Engineering Program includes:
- Budgeting: Management of the budget, which is allocated by the Dean, to the development and activities of the program.
- Team Leader: Heading a 15-member team which includes faculty from the Computer Science Department, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, clerical staff, and technical staff. As director, I manage and distribute the duties and responsibilities to the various team members.
- Curriculum Planning and Development: Continuous review of the curriculum using a clear and sound vision that takes into consideration the evolvement of the discipline, accreditation requirements, and industry needs. To achieve this goal, we use the notion of streams inside our curriculum that allow students to specialize in various concentrated tracks that include: VLSI, Bio-medical, Multimedia, and Information Systems.
- Curriculum Accreditation: I have lead all the activities of the Computer Engineering Accreditations by the “Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE)” since the creation of the Program in 1993. Through the “Washington Accord”, being accredited the HKIE, you get an automatic accreditation from (ABET-United States, CCPE-Canada, EngC-United Kingdom, IEAust-Australia, IEI-Ireland, and IPENZ-New Zealand).
- The Computer Engineering Program has gone three times through the accreditation procedure, each time successfully getting a maximum of 5-year full accreditation period.
- Students Recruitment, Admission, and Outreach Activities
- Students Development Activities
- Student Liaison Activities
- Director, Master of Science in Information Technology for Executive Students 2005 - 2008
- The School of Engineering offers various “Master” programs for full-time/part-time students as part of its continuing and professional education philosophy. These programs attract a large number of students who are holding full-time jobs, but are interested in enhancing their technical as well as managerial skills in new areas of high technologies at the postgraduate level. This program also attracts full-time students from all over the world, and in particular from China. The Master of Science in Information Technology is attracting the largest number of graduate students within the School of Engineering. Each academic year we accept around 100 students.
- As Director of this Program, with the help of a Committee, I was mandated with overseeing all activities and issues related to the administration, teaching and budgeting of this Program. This includes curriculum development, project supervision, students admission and recruitment, and staffing.
- Chair, Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering Department Head Search Committee 2011– Present
- Member, School of Engineering Undergraduate 1997 – 2001
- Studies Committee (EUSC)
- The EUSC monitors all matters relating to undergraduate studies at the School level and is responsible to the Engineering School Board which is in turn responsible to the University Committee on Undergraduate Studies, a Standing Committee of the Senate. The EUSC also advises and makes recommendations to the School Board on policies and regulations, and monitors and reviews procedures, quality and performance relating to all matters of Engineering undergraduate studies including student admission.
- Member, School of Engineering Promotion, Recruitment and Substantiation Committee (EASC) 2005–2007
- The EASC Committee is elected by the School of Engineering Board. It is the ultimate committee of the School of Engineering regarding academic appointments, promotions, and tenureship. It conducts reviews and makes recommendations on the appointment, promotion, and tenure of all ranks of academic staff following receipt of recommendations from the departmental committees and heads.
- Member, School of Engineering Awards Committee 2002–2005
- This Committee advises the Dean and the School Board on the allocation of awards and scholarships for faculty and students. The awards could be teaching, service, or research related. In addition, certain awards are given to members from outside the School for various contributions that may have been rendered to the engineering profession.
- Member, School of Engineering Equipment Fund Committee 2006
- Member, School of Engineering Students/industry 2002–2003
- Member, Projects liaison Committee, School of Engineering Summer Camp Committee 1995 – 1996