PhD Qualifying Examination "A Survey on Automatic Program Debugging" Mr. Xinming Wang Abstract: Program debugging is about how to locate and remove the consequence of faults in programs. This survey is divided into two parts: automatic fault localization and automatic program repairing. The first part reviews various techniques for automatic fault localization, and summarizes them into two categories, namely model-based ap-proach and experiential approach. The former treats an erroneous program as a white box and infer the faulty locations. The later treats the program as a black box and locate faults by heuristic rules derived from observations. Along these two dimensions, recent research works are categorized and compared. The strength and limitation of these works are compared using concrete examples. The second part of this survey discusses automatic program repairing, which is a problem closely related to automatic fault localization. Existing algorithms are mostly an extension of model-based fault localization. The survey will also present our pre-liminary research efforts on program repairing. Date: Tuesday, 30 January 2007 Time: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Venue: Room 3304 lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Dr. Shing Chi Cheung (Supervisor) Dr. Zonghua Gu (Chairperson) Dr. Mordecai Golin Prof. Vincent Shen **** ALL are Welcome ****