A Survey on Visualization in Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "A Survey on Visualization in Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0"


Mr. Dong SUN


Manufacturing consists of a great number of materials, components, products, 
machines, warehouses, and workers, which converts raw materials to products 
delivered to customers. Given a certain amount of resources, factory managers 
aim at maximizing the profit. In the epoch of Industry 4.0, various data 
recording the status of products and machines are collected by sensors deployed 
in the factory. However, analyzing manufacturing is challenging because of the 
sheer volume of data with fast update rates and the complex manufacturing 
system. Thus visual analytics approaches are introduced to provide an intuitive 
understanding, reveal valuable patterns, and facilitate interactive 

In this survey, we reviewed previous studies which develop visual analytics 
approaches to smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0. We first introduce the 
background, the motivation, and challenges of manufacturing. Then a new 
taxonomy is proposed based on the work we review. After that, we report 
existing visual analytics techniques which are extensively used to monitor, 
diagnose, and optimize manufacturing. The related papers are further divided 
into four categories: planning and scheduling visualization, manufacturing 
simulation visualization, manufacturing process visualization, and supply chain 
visualization. In the end, we summarize potential opportunities and new 
challenges in applying visualization to smart manufacturing. Future work is 
also discussed to provide guidance for our research.

Date:			Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Time:                  	2:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue:                  Room 2408
                         Lifts 17/18

Committee Members:	Prof. Ting-Chuen Pong (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Huamin Qu (Supervisor)
 			Dr. Pedro Sander (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Raymond Wong

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