PhD Qualifying Examination "Adaptive Query Processing in Data Stream Management Systems" Mr. Yin Yang Abstract: In this survey, we review adaptive query processing techniques in data stream processing systems (DSMS). In a typical DSMS model, users register long-running continuous queries, which are re-evaluated after the arrival of each stream element. Because various stream characteristics may change in an unexpected manner, an adaptive approach to query execution is crucial for performance: as data characteristics change, execution plan automatically change as well. Adaptive query processing techniques can be classified into three different categories. The first category of approaches, called static plan based approaches, use traditional query optimization techniques to generate static execution plans. When an environmental change happens, the query engine generates a new execution plan and dynamically migrate the query processing to the new plan. Because the cost of migration is typically high, these approaches are suitable when data characteristics are relatively stable. The second category of approaches run queries based on novel execution plans. These plans are different from traditional execution plans in that these plans can adjust themselves according to changing environments. The plans bearing this property are usually not as efficient as traditional ones and some of these approaches are only discussed for specific user queries. Finally, the last category of methods, notably the Eddies approach, avoid using query execution plans altogether and adopt a routing mechanism instead. The routing mechanism is continuously adapting to the environment. These approaches are suitable for extremely fluctuating environments. Date: Monday, 16 January 2006 Time: 10:00a.m.-12:00noon Venue: Room 2504 lifts 25-26 Committee Members: Dr. Dimitris Papadias (Supervisor) Dr. Qian Zhang (Chairperson) Dr. Lei Chen Dr. Mordecai Golin **** ALL are Welcome ****