Conference Papers:
Wu, Xinyang, Horner, A. 2024. "Diffusion Models for Automatic Music
Mixing," IEEE International Conference on Big Data -- 2nd Workshop on AI
Music Generation (AIMG), Washington DC, 15-18 Dec 2024.
Wu, Xinyang, Horner, A. 2024. "Graph Neural Network Guided Music
Mashup Generation," IEEE International Conference on Big Data -- 2nd
Workshop on AI Music Generation (AIMG), Washington DC, 15-18 Dec 2024.
Song, Wenyi Sherry, Zhou, Ziya, Huang, Zeyu, Horner, A. 2024. "A
Comparative Study of Violin and Erhu Emotional Charactersitics: Influence
of Playing Techniques and Instrument,"
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 May
Law, Man Hei Chris, Horner, A. 2024. "Emotion Equalization App: The
Effectiveness of Dynamic Music Therapy Approaches," Proceedings of
Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 May 2024.
Chang, Bing Yen Law, Man Hei Chris, Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer,
Horner, A. 2024. "The Effects of Vowel, Pitch, and Dynamics on the Emotional
Characteristics of the Mezzo-Soprano, Countertenor, and Baritone Voices,"
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 May
Huang, Zeyu, Song, Wenyi Sherry, MA, Xiaojuan, Horner, A. 2023. "The
Emotional Characteristics of Bass drums, Snares, and Disengaged Snares
with Different Strokes and Dynamics," Proceedings of Meetings on
Acoustics (POMA), Sydney, Australia, 4-8 Dec 2023.
Song, Wenyi Sherry, Huang, Zeyu, Horner, A. 2023. "A Comparative
Analysis of Violin and Erhu: Examining the Differences and Similarities
through Statistical Analysis of Multiple Musical Excerpts," Proceedings
of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Sydney, Australia, 4-8 Dec
Wu, Xinyang, Horner, A. 2023. "An Automated Pop Song Mashup System
using Drum Swapping," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Sydney,
Australia, 4-8 Dec 2023.
Leung, Hoi Ting Jackie, Law, Man Hei Chris, Horner, A. 2023.
"Enhancing Emotional Well-being through Active Music Listening: A Study on
the Effects of Music Rhythm Games on Mood Improvement in Hong Kong
University Students," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Sydney,
Australia, 4-8 Dec 2023.
Law, Man Hei Chris, Horner, A. 2023. "A Subjective Evaluation of
Different Types of Music in Music Therapy using an Emotion Equalization
App," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Sydney,
Australia, 4-8 Dec 2023.
Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, Chang, Bing Yen, Law, Man-Hei Chris, Song,
Wenyi Sherry, Horner, A. 2023. "The Emotional Characteristics of the
Piano, Celeste, and Harp with Different Pitch and Dynamics," Proceedings
of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Sydney, Australia, 4-8 Dec
Song, Wenyi Sherry, Horner, A. 2022. "Uncovering the Differences between
the Violin and Erhu Musical Instruments by Statistical Analysis of
Multiple Musical Pieces," Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA),
Nashville, TN, 5-9 Dec 2022.
Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, Chang, Bing Yen, Law, Man-Hei Chris, Horner, A.
2022. "A Comparison of the Emotional Characteristics of Western Orchestral
Sustaining Musical Instrument Families with Different Pitch and Dynamics,"
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Nashville, TN, 5-9 Dec 2022.
Law, Man Hei Chris, Leung, Hoi Ting Jackie, Horner, A. 2022. "Emotion
Equalization App: A First Study and Results," Proceedings of Meetings on
Acoustics (POMA), Nashville, TN, 5-9 Dec 2022.
Chang, Bing Yen, Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, Law, Man Hei Chris, Horner, A.
2022. "The Effects of Vowel, Pitch, and Dynamics on the Emotional
Characteristics of the Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass Voices,"
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Nashville, TN, 5-9 Dec 2022.
Lau, Franco, Chang, Bing Yen, Hong, Yu, Chau, C.J., Chu, Beatrice, Mok,
Phoebe, Tang, Giovanna, Lam, Derek Siu Yuen, and Horner, A. 2021.
"An Experiential Course on Creative Sound Design," International
Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Santiago, Chile, 25-31 July 2021, pp.
Lee, Dustin, Song Wenyi Sherry, and Horner, A. 2020. "A Head-to-Head
Comparison of the Emotional Characteristics of the Violin and Erhu on
the Butterfly Lovers Concerto," International Computer Music Conference
(ICMC), Santiago, Chile, pp. 289-94.
Chang, Bing Yen, Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, and Horner, A. 2020. "The
Effects of Pitch, Dynamics, and Vowel on the Emotional Characteristics
of the Tenor Voice," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC),
Santiago, Chile, pp. 260-5.
Horner, A., Lau, Franco, Chang, Bing Yen, Hong, Yu, Chau, C.J., Chu,
Beatrice, Mok, Phoebe, Tang, Giovanna, and Lam, Derek Siu Yuen.
"Cultivating Curiosity in Experiential Sound Design," 2019 Wharton-QS
Reimagine Education Conference, London, 8-10 Dec 2019, p. 4. Shortlisted
for Wharton-QS Reimagine Education Awards ("Oscars" of Education) in
category of Cultivating Curiosity.
Lee, Dustin, and Horner, A. 2019. "A Comparison of the Emotional
Characteristics of the Violin and Erhu on the Butterfly Lovers
Concerto," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), NY, NY, 16-23
June 2019, pp. 422-427.
Sin, Alice, Chang, Bing Yen, MA, Xiaojuan, and
Horner, A. 2019. "The Acoustic Features and Their Relationship to the
Emotional Characteristics of Rain Sound Effects," International Computer
Music Conference (ICMC), NY, NY, 16-23 June 2019, pp. 84-89.
Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, Chang, Bing Yen, and
Horner, A. 2019. "The Emotional Characteristics of Woodwind Musical
Instruments with Different Pitch and Dynamics," International Computer
Music Conference (ICMC), NY, NY, 16-23 June 2019, pp. 64-69.
Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, Chang, Mo, Ronald, Keyes,
Christopher, and Horner, A. 2019. "The Emotional Characteristics of
Brass Musical Instruments with Different Pitch and Dynamics,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), NY, NY, 16-23 June 2019, pp.
Hong, Yu, and Horner, A. 2019. "Emotional Equalizer: An Emotion-Based
Real-Time Music Arrangement System," International Computer Music
Conference (ICMC), NY, NY, 16-23 June 2019, pp. 392-397.
Au, Kenneth, and Horner, A. 2018. "Music Production Mobile App with
Voice-to-MIDI Feature," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC),
Daegu, Korea, 5-10 Aug 2018, pp. 286-290.
Mo, Ronald, So, R.H.Y., and Horner, A. 2018. "Investigating into How
Convolution Reverberation Effects the Space of Instrument Emotional
Characteristics," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu,
Korea, 5-10 Aug 2018, pp. 217-222.
Sin, Alice, MA, Xiaojuan, and Horner, A. 2018.
"The Emotional Characteristics of Rain Sound Effects,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu, Korea, 5-10 Aug 2018,
pp. 344-349.
Chang, Bing Yen, and Horner, A. 2018. "The Effects of Pitch, Dynamics,
and Vowel on the Emotional Characteristics of the Soprano Voice,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu, Korea, 5-10 Aug 2018,
pp. 223-228.
Chan, Hiu Ting Jennifer, Mo, Ronald, Chau, C.J.,
and Horner, A. 2018. "The Emotional Characteristics of Section String
Instruments with Different Pitch and Dynamics," International Computer
Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu, Korea, 5-10 Aug 2018, pp. 350-355.
Hong, Yu, Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2018. "The Effects of Mode, Pitch,
and Dynamics on Valence in Piano Scales and Chord Progressions,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Daegu, Korea, 5-10 Aug 2018,
pp. 5-10.
Mo, Ronald, So, R.H.Y., and Horner, A. 2017. "How Does Parametric Reverberation
Change The Space of Instrument Emotional Characteristics?" International
Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Shanghai, China, 15-20 Oct 2017, pp.
Mo, Ronald and Horner, A. 2017. "The Effects of Convolution
Reverberation on the Emotional Characteristics of Musical Instruments,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Shanghai, China, 15-20 Oct
2017, pp. 438-442.
Hong, Yu, Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2017. "A Study of What Makes Calm
and Sad Music So Difficult to Distinguish in Music Emotion Recognition,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Shanghai, China, 15-20 Oct
2017, pp. 413-418.
Hong, Yu, Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2017. "Mode and Register
Categorizations for Predicting Mood in Classical Piano Music,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Shanghai, China, 15-20 Oct
2017, pp. 40-45.
Chang, Bing Yen, and Horner, A. 2017. "A Real-Time Music Emotion
Modulation System for Soundtracks," International Computer Music
Conference (ICMC), Shanghai, China, 15-20 Oct 2017, pp. 432-437.
Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2016. "The Emotional Characteristics of
Mallet Percussion Instruments with Different Pitches and Mallet
Hardness," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Utrecht,
Netherlands, 12-16 Sept 2016, pp. 401-404.
Choi, Ga Lam, Lee, Chung, Mo, Ron, and Horner, A. 2016. "The Effects of
MP3 Compression on Emotional Characteristics," International Computer
Music Conference (ICMC), Utrecht, Netherlands, 12-16 Sept 2016, pp. 411-416.
Mo, Ron and Horner, A. 2016. "The Effects of Reverberation Time and
Amount on the Emotional Characteristics," International Computer Music
Conference (ICMC), Utrecht, Netherlands, 12-16 Sept 2016, pp. 12-15.
Gilburt, S., Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2016.
"The Effects of Pitch and Dynamics on the Emotional Characteristics of
Bowed String Instruments," International Computer Music Conference
(ICMC), Utrecht, Netherlands, 12-16 Sept 2016, pp. 405-410.
Chau, C.J. and Horner, A. 2015. "The Effects of Pitch and Dynamics on
the Emotional Characteristics of Piano Sounds," International Computer
Music Conference (ICMC), Denton, Texas, 25 Sept - 1 Oct 2015, pp. 372-375.
Chau, C.J., Wu, Bin, and Horner, A. 2015. "The Effects of Early-Release
on Emotion Characteristics and Timbre in Non-Sustaining Musical Instrument
Tones," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Denton, Texas,
25 Sept - 1 Oct 2015, pp. 138-141.
Wu, Bin, Horner, A., and Lee, Chung 2014. "Emotional Predisposition of
Musical Instrument Timbres with Static Spectra," International Society
for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 2014,
pp. 253-258.
Wu, Bin, Zhong, E., Horner, A., and Yang Q. 2014.
"Music Emotion Recognition by Multi-label Multi-layer Multi-instance
Multi-view Learning," ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM
MM), Orlando, FL, 3-7 Nov 2014, pp. 117-126.
Wu, Bin, Lee, Chung, and Horner, A. 2014. "Musical Timbre and Emotion:
The Identification of Salient Timbral Features in
Sustained Musical Instrument Tones Equalized in Attack Time and Spectral
Centroid," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens,
Greece, 14-20 Sept 2014, pp. 928-934.
Chau, C.J., Wu, Bin, and Horner, A. 2014. "Timbre Features and Music
Emotion in Plucked String, Mallet Percussion, and Keyboard Tones,"
International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens, Greece, 14-20 Sept
2014, pp. 982-989.
Lee, Chung and Horner, A. 2014. "Detection of Random Spectral
Alterations of Sustained Musical Instrument Tones in Repeated Note
Contexts," International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Athens,
Greece, 14-20 Sept 2014, pp. 1361-1367.
Wu, Bin, Zhong, E., Tan, B., Horner, A., and Yang
Q. 2014. "Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging using Temporal and
Personalized Topic Modeling," 20th AMC SIGKDD International Conference
on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), New York, NY, 24-27 Aug 2014,
pp. 721-730.
Wu, B., Wun, C.W., Lee, Chung & Horner, A.
2013. "Investigating Correlation between Musical Timbres and
Emotions", International Society for Music Information Retrieval
Conference (ISMIR), Curitiba, Brazil, Nov 2013, pp. 415-420.
Lee, Chung, Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and Ayers, L. 2013.
"Discrimination of Sustained Musical Instrument Tones Resynthesized with
Piecewise-Linear Approximation of Harmonic Amplitude Envelopes,"
International Computer Music Conference, Perth Australia, 11-17 Aug 2013, pp.
Wu, Bin, Zhong, E., Hu, D. H., Horner, A., &
Yang, Q. 2013. "SMART: Semi-Supervised Music Emotion Recognition with
Social Tagging," SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2013
(SDM13), Austin, 2-4 May 2013, pp. 279-287.
Lee, Chung, Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2012. "Impact of
MP3-Compression on Timbre Space of Sustained Musical Instrument Tones,"
Acoustics 2012, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Hong Kong,
13-18 May 2012, Vol. 131(4), p. 3433 (April).
Wun, Simon, Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2012.
"Wind instrument Sound Design with Centroid-Controlled Spectral Template
Synthesis," Acoustics 2012, Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, Hong Kong, 13-18 May 2012, Vol. 131(4), p. 3434 (April).
Lee, Chung, Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2011. "Discrimination of
Instrument Tones Resynthesized with Piecewise-Linear Approximated Harmonic
Amplitude Envelopes," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
Seattle WA, 23-27 May 2011, Vol. 129(4), p. 2582 (April).
Lee, Chung and Horner, A. 2010. "Discrimination of MP3-Compressed
Instrument Tones," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Cancun
Mexico, 15-19 Nov 2010, Vol. 128(4), p. 2284 (Oct).
Hall, M., Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., Roche, J. 2010. "Importance of
Spectral Detail in Musical Instrument Timbre," in Proceedings of the
11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Seattle, WA,
23-27 Aug 2010, pp. 69-74.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2010. "Synthesizing the Dynamic Spectra of the
Didgeridoo," in Proceedings of the International Computer Music
Conference 2010, Stony Book, New York, 1-5 June
2010, pp. 510-513.
Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., and Hall, M. 2009. "Recent Research in
Musical Timbre Perception," Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, San Antonio TX, 26-30 Oct 2009, Vol. 126(4), p. 2235 (October).
Lui, S. and Horner, A. 2009. "Re-Targeting
Expressive Musical Style using a Machine-Learning Method," in
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects
(DAFx-09), Como, Italy, 1-4 September 2009, pp.165-172.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2009. "Synthesizing Ghost Voices in Ghost Winds
Talking," in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference
2009, Montreal, Canada, 16-21 Aug 2009, pp. 331-334.
Lui, S. and Horner, A. 2009. "Extracting and
Re-Targeting Expressive Musical Performing Style from Audio Recording,"
in Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference 2009, Brisbane,
Australia, 2 - 4 July 2009, pp. 111-118.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2009. "Ghost Winds Talking," in
Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference 2009, Brisbane,
Australia, 2 - 4 July 2009, p. 130.
Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., and So, R. 2009. "Auditory Effect of
Perturbing Musical Tones by Interpolation with Other Music Tones,"
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 125(4), Pt. 2, Portland,
OR, pp. 2683-2684 (April).
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2009. "Synthesizing Ghost Voices with
Timbre-Morphing in "Ghost Winds Talking," in Proceedings of the 8th
Annual New Music Festival Conference 2009, Fullerton, CA, 18-21 March 2009,
p. 3.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2008. "Synthesizing Some Australian
Birds," in Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference
2008, Sydney, Australia, 10 - 12 July 2008, pp. 3-9.
Fröjd, M. and Horner, A. 2007. "Fast
Sound Texture Synthesis using Overlap-Add," in Proceedings of the 2007
International Computer Music Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 27-31 August
2007, pp. 320-323.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2007. "Didgeridoo Synthesis using Timbre
Morphing," in Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference
2007, Canberra, Australia, 19-21 June 2007, pp. 18-25.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2007. "Modeling Expression for the Chinese Suona," 2nd International Symposium Focusing on
Networked Performance Environments (part of the Sonorities Festival of
Contemporary Music), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 20-25 April 2007, p. 8.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2007. "Synthesizing the Chinese Suona," Asia Pacific Conference 2007, Wellington,
New Zealand, 8-16 Feb 2007, p. 2.
Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., Koehn, H.-K., and Bay, M. 2006.
"Multidimensional Scaling Analysis of Centroid- and
Attack/Decay-Normalized Musical Instrument Sounds," Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 120(5), Pt. 2, Honolulu, p. 3276 (Nov).
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2006. "Comparing the Hawaiian Nose Flute with
the Western Concert Flute," Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, Vol. 120(5), Pt. 2, Honolulu, p. 3076 (Nov).
Di Filippo, K., Horner, A., Fung, E., Lim, J., and Ayers, L. 2006.
"AUTUMN: A General Pitch-Extraction Wave-to-MIDI Transcription
System," in Proceedings of the 2006 International Computer Music
Conference, New Orleans, 6-11 Nov 2006, pp. 700-707.
Lui, S., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2006. "An
Intelligent SP-MIDI Polyphonic Reduction Algorithm," in Proceedings of
the 2006 International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans, 6-11 Nov 2006,
pp. 666-673.
Wun, S. and Horner, A. 2006. "Scalable
Wavetable Matching for Real-Time Polyphonic Synthesis," in Proceedings
of the 2006 International Computer Music Conference, New Orleans, 6-11 Nov
2006, pp. 347-351.
Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., Ayers, L. 2006. "Effect of Critical Band Data
Reduction on Musical Instrument Sounds," in Abstracts of the 2006
International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Bologna, Italy,
22-26 Aug 2006, pp. 51-2.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2006. "Synthesizing the Chinese Suona," in Proceedings of the Australasian Computer
Music Conference 2006, Adelaide, Australia, 11-14 July 2006, pp. 15-22.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2005. "Synthesizing a Javanese Gong Ageng," in Proceedings of the 2005 International
Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 644-647.
Lui, S., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2005. "MIDI
to SP-MIDI Transcoding using Phrase Stealing," in Proceedings of the
2005 International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 355-358.
Wun, C.W., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2005.
"Extended Principal Components Analysis Matching with Spectral Weighting
for Wavetable Synthesis," in Proceedings of the 2005 International
Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 189-192.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2005. "Synthesising
Music in Csound with a Javanese Gong Ageng," in Proceedings of the Australasian Computer
Music Conference 2005, Brisbane, Australia, pp. 11-14.
Beauchamp, J., and Horner, A. 2005. "Effect of Critical-Band Smoothing
of Musical Instrument Spectral Data", Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America, Vol. 117(4), Pt. 2, p. 2476 (April).
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2004. "Expressive Modeling of Chinese Folk Wind
Instruments," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 116(4),
Pt. 2, p. 2619.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and So, R. 2004. "A Search for Best Error
Metrics to Predict Discrimination of Original and Spectrally Altered Musical
Instrument Sounds," in Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer
Music Conference, Miami, pp. 9-16.
Wun, C.W., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2004. "A
Comparison between Local Search and Genetic Algorithm Methods for Wavetable
Matching," in Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music
Conference, Miami, pp. 386-389.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2004. "Synthesis of Chinese Dizi
Ornaments," in Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Music Conference
2004, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 90-93.
Beauchamp, J., and Horner, A. 2003. "Error metrics for predicting
discrimination of original and spectrally altered musical instrument
sounds", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 114(4), Pt.
2, p. 2325.
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2003. "Discrimination of Sustained Musical
Instrument Sounds Resynthesized with Randomly Altered Spectra", in 2003
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
(WASPAA '03), Mohonk, NY, pp. 169-172.
So, K.F., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2003. "Wavetable Matching of Pitched
Inharmonic Instrument Tones," in Proceedings of the 2003 International
Computer Music Conference, Singapore, pp. 23-26. Plenary Session.
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2003. "Discrimination of Sustained Musical
Instrument Sounds Resynthesized with Randomly Altered Spectra," in
Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music Conference, Singapore,
pp. 87-90.
Wun, C.W., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2003.
"Perceptual Wavetable Matching for Synthesis of Musical Instrument
Tones," in Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music
Conference, Singapore, pp. 251-258.
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2003. "Discrimination of Sustained Musical
Instrument Sounds Resynthesized with Randomly Altered Spectra",
Conference Programs and Abstracts of the Society for Music Perception and
Cognition 2003 Conference, Las Vegas, NV, p. 45.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2001. "A Hybrid Additive-Wavetable Synthesis
Model for the Horn," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol.
109(5), Pt. 2, p.2400.
Ayers, L., and Horner, A. 2001. "The Woodstock Gamelan," Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 109(5), Pt. 2, p.2367.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2001. "Common Tone Adaptive Tuning Using
Genetic Algorithms," in Microfest 2001
Conference and Festival of Music in Alternate Tunings, Los Angeles, CA, p4.
Wun, C.W., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2001.
"Perceptual Wavetable Matching for Synthesis of Musical Instrument
Tones," in Proceedings of the 2001 International Computer Music
Conference, Havana, Cuba, pp. 219-226.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 1999. "Modeling the Woodstock Gamelan for
Synthesis," in Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music
Conference, Beijing, China, pp. 468-471.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1998. "Modeling Chinese Musical
Instruments," in Proceedings of the 135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,
Seattle, WA, volume 4, 2541-2542.
Cheung, N.M., Trautmann, S., and Horner, A. 1998.
"Head-Related Transfer Function Modeling in 3-D Sound Systems with
Genetic Algorithms," in Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Seattle, WA, volume 6, 3529-3532.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1998. "Modelling Chinese Musical Instruments
with Csound," presented at the 1998
National Conf., Society for
Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), Hanover, NH.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1997. "Modelling Chinese Musical Instruments
in Csound," in proceedings of the 1997
International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1996. "Cooking with Csound:
Wavetable Synthesis of the Woodwinds and Brass," in proceedings of
the 1996 International Conference on Computer Music and Music Science,
Shanghai, pp. 27-28.
Horner, A. 1996. "Wavetable Matching Synthesis of Dynamic
Instruments," Audio Engineering Society
Preprint No. 4389 (1996), pp. 1-23. (presented at
the 101st Audio Engineering Society Convention).
Yuen, J., Kuen, C.S., Horner, A. 1996.
"Discrete Summation Synthesis and Hybrid Sampling-Wavetable Matching
with Genetic Algorithms," in proceedings of the 1996 International
Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong, pp. 49-51.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1996. "Cooking with Csound:
Wavetable Synthesis Recipes for Woodwind and Brass Instruments," in proceedings
of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong, pp.
Rossiter, D., Horner, A., and Baciu,
G. 1996. "Visualization and Manipulation of 3D Digital Waveguide
Structures for Sound Experimentation," in proceedings of the 1996
International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong, pp. 43-46.
Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., and McAdams, S., 1995. "Musical Sounds, Data
Reduction, and Perceptual Control Parameters," Program and Abstracts
for SMPC95, Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, Univ. of
California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, pp. 8-9.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1995. "Harmonization of Musical Progressions
with Genetic Algorithms," in proceedings of the 1995 International
Computer Music Conference, Banff, Canada, pp. 483-484.
Horner, A., Cheung, N. M., and Beauchamp, J. 1995. "Genetic Algorithm
Optimization of Additive Synthesis Envelope Breakpoints and Group Synthesis
Parameters," in proceedings of the 1995 International Computer Music
Conference, Banff, Canada, pp. 215-222.
Beauchamp, J. and Horner, A. 1995. "Wavetable Interpolation Synthesis
Based on Time-variant Spectral Analysis of Musical Sounds," Audio Engineering Society Preprint No. 3960
(1995), pp. 1-17. (presented at the 98th AES
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 1994. "Synthesis of Trumpet Tones Using a
Fixed Wavetable and a Centroid-Controlled Second Order Filter," in proceedings
of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, pp.
Beauchamp, J., and Horner, A., 1994. "Spectral Modeling and Timbre Hybridization
Programs for Computer Music," in proceedings of the 1994 Society for
Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS), Los Angeles, CA,
pp. 9-14.
Beauchamp, J., and Horner, A. 1994. "Derivation of a Synthesis Model
from Time-Variant Spectral Analysis," Journal of the Acoustical Society
of America, Vol. 95(5), Pt. 2, p. 2960.
Beauchamp, J., and Horner, A. 1993. "Dynamic Spectral Envelope Synthesis
of Trumpet Tones," Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 94(3), Pt. 2, p.1834.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and Packard, N. 1993. "Timbre Breeding,"
in proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference,
Tokyo, pp. 396-398.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and Haken, L. 1992. "Wavetable and FM
Matching Synthesis of Musical Instrument Tones," in proceedings of
the 1992 International Computer Music Conference, San Jose, CA, pp.
Beauchamp, J., and Horner, A., 1992. "Extended Nonlinear Waveshaping Analysis/Synthesis Techniques," in proceedings
of the 1992 International Computer Music Conference, San Jose, CA, pp.
Beauchamp, J., Horner, A., Gennaula, C., and Goudeseune, C., 1992. "Investigation of Timbre using
Spectral Matching, Modelling, and Interpolation," Proc. Inter. Symposium
on Musical Acoustics, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 51-54.
Horner, A., and Goldberg, 1991. "Genetic Algorithms and
Computer-Assisted Music Composition," in proceedings of the 1991
International Computer Music Conference, pp. 479-482.
Horner, A., and Goldberg, 1991. "Genetic Algorithms and
Computer-Assisted Music Composition," in proceedings of the 1991
International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications,
pp. 337-441.
Journal Papers:
Mo, Ronald, and Horner, A. 2024. "The Effects of Convolution Reverberation
on the Emotional Characteristics of Musical Instrument Sounds," Computer
Music Journal, 47(2), pp. 57-71.
Hong, Yu, Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2018. "How Often and Why Mode Fails
to Predict Mood in Low-Arousal Classical Piano Music," Journal of New
Music Research, 47(5), Oct 2018, ISSN: 0929-8215:1744-5027, DOI:
Chau, C.J., Gilburt, S., Mo, Ron and
Horner, A. 2017. "The Emotional Characteristics of Bowed String
Instruments with Different Pitch and Dynamics," Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, 65(7/8), pp. 573-588.
Xu Liu, Chen Tang, Xiaohan Du, Shuai
Xiong, Siyuan Xi, Yuefeng Liu, Xi Shen, Qingbin
Zheng, Zhenyu Wang, Ying Wu, Andrew Horner, and
Jang-Kyo Kim. 2017. "A Highly Sensitive
Graphene Woven Fabric Strain Sensor for Wearable Wireless Musical
Instrument," Materials Horizons, 4, pp. 477-486.
Yu, Hong, Chau, C.J., and Horner, A. 2017. "An Analysis of Low-Arousal
Piano Music Ratings to Uncover What Makes Calm and Sad Music So Difficult to
Distinguish in Music Emotion Recognition," Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, 65(4), pp. 304-320.
Mo, Ron, So, R.H.Y., and Horner, A. 2016. "An Investigation into How
Reverberation Effects the Space of Instrument Emotional
Characteristics," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 64(12), pp.
Chau, C.J., Mo, Ron, and Horner, A. 2016. "The Emotional Characteristics
of Piano Sounds with Different Pitch and Dynamics," Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, 64(11), pp. 918-932.
Mo, Ron, Choi, Ga Lam, Lee, Chung, and Horner, A. 2016. "The Effects of
MP3 Compression on Perceived Emotional Characteristics in Musical
Instruments," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 64(11), pp.
Mo, Ron, Wu, Bin, and Horner, A. 2015. "The Effects of Reverberation on
the Emotional Characteristics of Musical Instruments," Journal of the
Audio Engineering Society, 63(12), pp. 966-979.
Chau, C.J., Wu, Bin, and Horner, A. 2015. "The Emotional Characteristics
and Timbre of Nonsustaining Instrument
Sounds," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 63(4), pp. 228-244.
Wu, Bin, Lee, Chung, and Horner, A. 2014. "The Correspondence of Music
Emotion and Timbre in Sustained Musical Instrument Tones," Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 62(10), pp. 663-675.
Lee, Chung, and Horner, A. 2014. "Discrimination of Repeated Notes in
Sustained Musical Instrument Tones," Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society, 62(10), pp. 654-662.
Wun, C.W., Horner, A., and Wu, Bin. 2014.
"Effect of Spectral Centroid Manipulation on Discrimination and
Identification of Instrument Timbres," Journal of the Audio Engineering SWociety, 62(9), 575-583.
Lee, Chung, Horner, A., and Wu, Bin. 2013. "The Effect of MP3
Compression on the Timbre Space of Sustained Musical Instrument Tones,"
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 61(11), 840-849.
Lee, Chung, Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 2012. "Discrimination of
Musical Instrument Tones Resynthesized with Piecewise-Linear Approximated
Harmonic Amplitude Envelopes," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
60(11), 899-912.
So, R.H.Y., Leung, N.M., Horner, A., Braasch, J.,
and Leung, K.L. 2011. "Effects of Spectral Manipulation on
Non-Individualized Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs)," Human
Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 53(3),
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and So, R. 2011. "Evaluation of Mel-Band and
MFCC-based Error Metrics to Predict Discrimination of Spectrally Altered
Musical Instrument Sounds," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
59(5), 290-303.
Lui, S., Horner, A., and So, K.F. 2010.
"Retargeting Expressive Musical Style from Classical Music Recordings
using a Support Vector Machine," Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society, 58(12), 1032-1044.
Lee, Chung and Horner, A. 2010. "Discrimination of MP3-Compressed
Musical Instrument Tones," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
58(6), 487-497.
So, R.H.Y., Ngan, B., Horner, A., Braasch, J., Blauert, J., and
Leung, K.L. 2010. "Toward Orthogonal Non-Individualized Head-Related
Transfer Functions for Forward and Backward Directional Sound: Cluster
Analysis and an Experimental Study," Ergonomics, 53(6), 767-781.
Fröjd, M. and Horner, A. 2009. "Sound
Texture Synthesis using An Overlap-Add/Granular Synthesis Approach,"
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 57(1/2), 29-37.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and So, R. 2009. "Detection of Time-Varying
Harmonic Amplitude Alterations due to Spectral Interpolations between Musical
Instrument Tones," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125(1),
Wun, C.W. and Horner, A. 2007. "Extended
Principal Components Analysis Matching with Spectral Weighting for Wavetable
Synthesis," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 55(9), 762-774.
Lui, S., Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2006. "An
Intelligent SP-MIDI Polyphonic Reduction Algorithm," IEEE Transactions
on Multimedia, 13(2), 52-59.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and So, R. 2006. "A Search for Best Error
Metrics to Predict Discrimination of Original and Spectrally Altered Musical
Instrument Sounds," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 54(3),
Wun, C.W. and Horner, A. 2005. "Evaluation of
Iterative Methods for Wavetable Matching," Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, 53(9), 826-835.
Horner, A. and Wun, C.W. 2005. "Low Peak
Amplitudes for Group Additive Synthesis," Journal of the Audio
Engineering Society, 53(6), 475-484.
Wun, C.W. and Horner, A. 2005. "A Comparison
between Local Search and Genetic Algorithm Methods for Wavetable
Matching," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 53(4), 314-325.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and So, R. 2004. "Detection of Random
Alterations to Time-Varying Musical Instrument Spectra," Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 116(3), 1800-1810.
So, K.F. and Horner, A. 2004. "Wavetable Matching of Pitched Inharmonic
Instrument Tones," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 52(5),
Horner, A. 2003. "Auto-Programmable FM and Wavetable Synthesizers,"
Contemporary Music Review, 22(3), 21-29.
Ng, A. and Horner, A. 2002. "Iterative Combinatorial Basis Spectra in
Wavetable-Matching," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 50(12),
So, K.F. and Horner, A. 2002. "Wavetable Matching of Inharmonic String
Tones," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 50(1/2), 47-57.
Horner, A. 2001. "A Simplified Wavetable
Matching Method Using Combinatorial Basis Spectra Selection," Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, 49(11), 1060-1066.
Wun, C.W. and Horner, A. 2001. "Perceptual
Wavetable Matching Synthesis of Musical Instrument Tones," Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 49(4), 250-262.
Ng, A. and Horner, A. 2000. "Computation and Memory Tradeoffs in
Wavetable-Filter Matching of Musical Instrument Tones," Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 48(10), 930-939.
Horner, A. 2000. "Low Peak Amplitudes for Wavetable Synthesis," IEEE
Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 8(4), 467-470.
Horner, A., Ayers, L., and Law, D. 1999. "Synthesis Modeling of the
Chinese Dizi, Bawu, and
Sheng," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 47(12),
Horner, A. 1999. "Fake Horns: Experiments in Taped Auditions," The
Horn Call: Journal of the International Horn Society, 30(1), 61-65.
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 1999. "Modeling the Woodstock Gamelan for
Synthesis," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 47(10),
Lee, K. and Horner, A. 1999. "Modeling Piano Tones with Group Synthesis,"
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 47(3), 101-111.
Horner, A. and Ayers, L. 1998. "Modeling Acoustic Wind Instruments with
Contiguous Group Synthesis," Journal of the Audio Engineering Society,
46(10), 868-879.
Beauchamp, J. and Horner, A., 1998. "Spectral Modeling and Timbre
Hybridization Programs for Computer Music," Organised
Sound, 2(3), 253-258.
Horner, A. 1998. "Nested Modulator and Feedback FM Matching of
Instrument Tones," IEEE Transactions on
Speech and Audio Processing, 6(6), 398-409.
Cheung, N.M., Trautmann, S., and Horner, A. 1998.
"Head-Related Transfer Function Modeling in 3-D Sound Systems with
Genetic Algorithms," Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 46(6), 531-539. Abstract on JAES Homepage.
Horner, A. 1997. "A Comparison of Wavetable and FM Parameter
Spaces," Computer
Music Journal, 21(4), 55-85.
Yuen, J., and Horner, A. 1997. "Hybrid Sampling-Wavetable Synthesis with
Genetic Algorithms," Journal of
the Audio Engineering Society, 45(5), 316-330. Abstract on JAES Homepage.
Horner, A. 1997. "Wavetable Modeling of Muted Brass Tones," Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society, 45(4), 241-252. Abstract on JAES Homepage.
Horner, A., Ayers, L., and Law, D. 1997. "Modeling Small Chinese and
Tibetan Bells," Journal of the
Audio Engineering Society, 45(3), 148-159. Abstract on JAES Homepage.
Chan, San-Kuen, and Horner, A. 1996. "Discrete
Summation Synthesis of Musical Instrument Tones using Genetic
Algorithms," Journal of the
Audio Engineering Society, 44(7), 581-592. Abstract on JAES
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 1996. "Common Tone Adaptive Tuning Using
Genetic Algorithms," Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America, 100(1), 630-640.
Horner, A. 1996. "Double Modulator FM Matching of Instrument
Tones," Computer
Music Journal, 20(2), 57-71.
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 1996. "Piecewise Linear Approximation of
Additive Synthesis Envelopes: A Comparison of Various Methods," Computer
Music Journal, 20(2), 72-95.
Horner, A. 1996. "Computation and Memory Tradeoffs with Multiple
Wavetable Interpolation," Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, 44(6), 481-496. Abstract on JAES Homepage.
Cheung, Ngai-Man, and Horner, A. 1996. "Group Synthesis with Genetic
Algorithms," Journal of the
Audio Engineering Society, 44(3), 130-147. Abstract on JAES Homepage.
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 1996. "A Genetic Algorithm-Based Method
for Synthesis of Low Peak Amplitude Signals," Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 99(1), 433-443.
Rossiter, D., Baciu, G.,
and Horner, A. 1995. "An Investigation into the Modelling of Virtual
Objects with Sound Vibration Properties," Virtual
Reality: Research, Development and Applications, 1(2), 117-121. Abstract on VR Homepage
Horner, A. 1995. "Envelope Matching with Genetic Algorithms," Journal of New Music Research,
24(4), 318-341. Abstract
and sound examples on JNMR Homepage.
Horner, A. 1995. "Wavetable Matching Synthesis of Dynamic Instruments
with Genetic Algorithms," Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, 43(11), 916-931.
Horner, A., and Beauchamp, J. 1995. "Synthesis of Trumpet Tones Using a
Wavetable and Dynamic Filter," Journal
of the Audio Engineering Society, 43(10), 799-812.
Horner, A., Assad, A., and Packard, N. 1993. "The Evolution of Musical
Strata," Leonardo
Music Journal, Vol. 3, p. 81.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and Haken, L. 1993. "Machine Tongues XVI:
Genetic Algorithms and Their Application to FM Matching Synthesis," Computer
Music Journal, 17(4), 17-29.
Horner, A., Beauchamp, J., and Haken, L. 1993. "Methods for Multiple
Wavetable Synthesis of Musical Instrument Tones," Journal of the Audio Engineering
Society, 41(5), 336-356.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2002. Cooking with Csound,
Part 1: Woodwind and Brass Recipes, Madison Wisconsin: A-R Editions (Computer Music and
Digital Audio Series).
Book Chapters:
Horner, A. and Beauchamp, J. 2008. "Instrument Modeling and
Synthesis," in Handbook of Signal Processing in Acoustics, D. Havelock,
S. Kuwano, and M. Vorlander,
editors, New York: Springer, pp. 375-397.
Horner, A. 2007. "Evolution in Digital Audio Technology," in
Evolutionary Computer Music, E. R. Miranda, J.A. Biles,
editors, London: Springer, pp. 52-78.
Horner, A. 2007. "A Comparison of Wavetable and FM Data Reduction
Methods for Resynthesis of Musical Sounds," in
Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds, J. Beauchamp, editor,
New York: Springer, pp. 228-249.
Horner, A., and Ayers, L. 2000. "Wavetable Synthesis of the French
Horn," in The Csound Book, R. Boulanger, ed.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press,
pp. 187-195.
Other Papers:
Ayers, L. and Horner, A. 2007. "Sintetizando
la Expresividad Musical en
las Flutas Chinas," Sonoimágenes
International Conference and Festival of Acoustic Music, Buenos Aires, 28-31
August 2007, p. 4.
Horner, A. 1994. Studio report: "Graphics and Music Experimentation
(GAME) Room, Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology," InterCommunication,
No. 9, Tokyo, Japan, p. 159.
Horner, A., 1993. "Spectral Matching of Musical Instrument Tones,"
PhD dissertation, University of Illinois
Computer Science Department, Report No. UIUCDCS-R-93-1805
Horner, A., 1989. "Fractal Timing in Computer Music." M.S. Thesis, Computer Science Department, University of
Tennessee at Knoxville, Knoxville, TN.