ITEPC 05 - Curve and Surface Reconstruction from Point Samples

(Faculty supervisor: Prof. CHENG, Siu-Wing)

Objectives and Description:

With the advancement of 3D scanning technology, it is becoming popoular to represent a physical object by scanning a dense set of point samples on its boundary. The next step is to recreate a computer representation of the object from this set of point samples. This is known as the curve
reconstruction problem in 2D and the surface reconstruction problem in 3D.

In 2D the output desired is a polygonal curve connecting the input point samples. The polygonal curve should be a faithful representation of the topology and geometry of the unknown curve. In 3D the output desired is a polygonal surface composed of triangles.

In this project students will learn two simple and powerful algorithms for curve and surface reconstruction. Ultimately they will implement these two algorithms to demonstrate their effectiveness and render the reconstructed results using some standard user interface tools.

Language of instruction:

Cantonese or English

Software tools / programming languages involved:



Softwares for curve and surface reconstruction.

Things students will learn:

The main purpose of this project is to introduce some useful concepts in geometric processing on which the curve and surface reconstruction algorithms are based. It is also fun to turn these algorithms into softwares.


Prior programming experience in C or C++ is preferred.

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