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Call for Proposals: Software Demonstrations Program


Demonstrations Chair:

Norbert Reithinger
Saarbr¨¹ken, Germany

The ACL 2000 Program Committee invites proposals for the Demonstrations Program, to be held in Hong Kong from October 3rd through 6th 2000 in Hong Kong. The focus of the demonstrated systems should be on research prototypes, both under development and finished, that demonstrate the progress in all fields of computational linguistics and language technology. This program is not for commercial systems which should be part of the ACL 2000 Exhibit Program.

Areas of Interest

We would like to encourage the submission of proposals for demonstrations of software related to any areas of computational linguistics and language technology.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Demonstrations related to the thematic sessions

o T1: NLP and open-domain question answering from text
o T2: Machine learning and statistical NLP for dialog
o T3: Text summarization
o T4: Theoretical and technical approaches for Asian language processing

* Natural language processing systems, e.g., dialog systems or machine translation systems, and tools to build them

* Application systems using language technology components

* Software for the evaluation of systems and research

* Language corpora and related tools

* Aids for teaching computational linguistics

Format for Submissions

Demo proposals must include the following parts, which should all be sent to the Demonstrations Chair

* An abstract of the technical content to be demonstrated, not to exceed two pages, including title, authors, full contact information, thematic session or area, keywords, references and acknowledgments.

* A short presentation script, including the basic items of the accompanying narrative, and either a web address for accessing the demo or visual aids (e.g., screen-shots, snapshots, or sketches). No more than 6 pages, total.

* A detailed description of hardware and software requirements expected to be provided by the local organizer. Demonstrators are encouraged to be flexible in their requirements. Please state what you can bring yourself and what you absolutely must have provided. We will do our best to provide equipment and resources but nothing can be guaranteed at this point beyond space and power. Please contact the demo chair for any specific questions.

Submissions Procedure

Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but before June, 15th, to the ACL 2000 Demonstrations Chair ( Electronic submissions in plain text, postscript, or PDF are encouraged.

Please submit your proposals and any inquiries to:

Norbert Reithinger
ACL-2000 Demonstrations
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
D-66123 Saarbr¨¹ken
Phone: +49 681 302 5346
Fax: +49 681 302 5341

Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the themes of the conference, innovation, scientific contribution, presentation, and user friendliness, as well as potential logistical constraints.

Other Details

The demonstration sessions will be located at the conference venue. Further details on the timing and format for the sessions will be determined and provided at a later date. We anticipate charging a US$ 40 fee for presenting demos, to help defray costs.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline for Demo Proposal: 15 June 2000
Notification : 21 July 2000
Conference Date: 3.-6. October 2000