he HKUST Android Application Design Contest (USTAC) is an android application contest open to the HKUST undergraduate/postgraduate students and alumni. Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), this contest aims to promote creativity and innovation through an interesting Android application program competition.


Smartphones have revolutionalized the way we work, live, and communicate. Smartphone application programs (also known as Apps) have not only made our lives easier, they also add fun to our lives and have therefore significantly improved our life quality. The USTAC 2014 aims to provide a chance to undergraduate/postgraduate students of HKUST to showcase their creativity and talent through an exciting programming contest on the Android smartphone platforms. The contest also serves as a valuable chance to promote teamwork and to improve leadership skills in the process of developing high quality mobile application programs.

The Contest

The contest will be held at the end of January in 2015 in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Interested HKUST undergraduate/postgraduate students are required to register in teams of 2-4 members together with at most one HKUST Alumnus as the team advisor. Check the registration link for more registration related information.Teams successfully registered on or before the deadline can submit a 2-page proposal each through the proposal link before the proposal submission deadline on 13th November, 2014. The proposals will be carefully evaluated and shortlisted teams will be invited to join the contest. You are required to present and demonstrate the finished application program on the contest day. Should your application program require any special equipment (phone docks for example) for the demonstration, you need to contact us at ustac@cse.ust.hk before registration so that we could evaluate to see whether we could support it. Registration of the teams will start in August 2014. Shortlisted teams will be announced in December 2014. The important dates of the contest are listed below:

Registration Deadline
30th Oct. 2014

Proposal Deadline
13th Nov. 2014


Dec. 2014

Applicationpad Upload
15th Jan. 2015

Contest Date pad
28th Jan. 2015

The contest will be held on a weekday at the end of January, 2015. The contest will consist of two rounds. Each competing team is required to develop an original piece of Android application program. The application program could include any public library as deemed necessary by the team memebers. Acknowledgement must be made if any third party library/resource is involved. Each team is required to showcase their application program through a brief presentation and a promotional poster to the judges. The judges will nominate five teams to the second round of the contest. The five teams will demonstrate their application programs and make a thorough presentation of the programs to the judges in the second round. The judges will rate the teams according to the quality of the presentation and the demonstration. Further details regarding the judges, rules, awards, time and venue of the contest will be announced soon.

The Android Developer Tools

To do Android programming on your computer, you need to install the Android Software Developement Kit (SDK) and Eclipse IDE. There are number of things you may wish to check:

  1. Before getting the Android SDK, make sure your computer meets the System Requirements of the SDK.
  2. Make sure you have the JDK installed (JRE alone is not enough), if you don't have it already.
  3. Download the Android SDK by clicking the button "Download the SDK" at the link http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html. Agree the terms and select the version that suits your operating system (i.e. 32-bit or 64-bit).
  4. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file (named adt-bundle-.zip), and save it to an appropriate location, such as a "Development" directory in your home directory.
  5. Open the adt-bundle-/eclipse/ directory and launch Eclipse. Caution: Do not move any of the files or directories from the adt-bundle- directory. If you move the eclipse/ or sdk/ directory, ADT will not be able to locate the SDK and you'll need to manually update the ADT preferences.

[Optional] If you already have an existing Eclipse Java IDE, and would like to install the SDK to it, you could refer to find the detailed instructions at http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html

[Optional] You can also try the Android Studio (instead of the Android Development Tool, ADT, you installed in the above steps.). This is a early access preview of Android development environment and several features are yet to be completed: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/studio.html