COMP 4900 Academic and Professional Development (Fall 2016)

Coordinator: Dr. Cindy Li

Course Learning Outcomes

This course is for academic and professional development of students in the programs offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Activities may include seminars, workshops, advising and sharing sessions, interaction with faculty and teaching staff, and discussion with student peers or alumni. Graded P/PP/F. It is a required course for both COMP and COSC curriculum.

  • Develop relationships with faculty members and staff;
  • Examine the value of and assume ownership of his/her education;
  • Become self-directed in planning and accomplishing short and long-term academic goal;
  • Identify short and long-term career and personal plans and aspirations and work towards these by establishing realistic development plans.

Course Requirements

Each student is assigned to a faculty academic advisor, and followed up by a department academic counselor. In order to "pass" the course, you are required to meet with your faculty advisor and attend seminars during your undergraduate study.

  • First term in CSE (e.g. Year 2 Fall for DSE): Your respective faculty academic advisor will initiate a welcome meeting in a context of social gathering. Meeting will be arranged in Sep or Oct depending on the schedule of your faculty academic advisor. You are also required to attend the Department UG Orientation and one seminar.
  • All in-between terms in CSE (e.g. Year 2 Spring to Year 4 Fall for DSE): Attend two seminars each term for COMP students, and one seminar each term for COSC students.
  • Last term in CSE (e.g. Year 4 Spring for DSE): Your faculty academic advisor will invite you to a wrap-up meeting in Apr or May.

Of course, you're welcomed to request meeting with your faculty academic advisor or department academic counselor whenever you feel necessary.

For students with unsatisfactory academic progress (UAP), you're required to have individual meeting with your academic advisor and/or departmental academic advising staff every term.


You are registered to COMP 4900 during your whole stay in CSE. Its grade for each term is PP (Permitted to Proceed). The P (Pass) grade will be given at the final term before you graduate.

Failure of fulfilling the above requirement in any term may lead to an 'F' grade in COMP 4900 for that term, and be permanently recorded in your transcript. Please be reminded that it is a required course and an 'F' grade will affect your graduation according to university policy.

Faculty Advisor List

COMP 4900 Fall 2016
T   Advisor             Class Alias
*   *******             ***********
01  Brahim Benasou      comp4900t01
02  Qiong Luo           comp4900t02
03  Shing-Chi Cheung    comp4900t03
04  Chi-Keung Tang      comp4900t04
05  Long Quan           comp4900t05
06  Cunsheng Ding       comp4900t06
07  Lei Chen            comp4900t07
08  James Kwok          comp4900t08
09  Pedro Sander        comp4900t09
10  Papadias Dimitrios  comp4900t10
11  Sunil Arya          comp4900t11
12  Dit-Yan Yeung       comp4900t12
13  Kai Chen            comp4900t13
14  Gary Chan           comp4900t14
15  Cindy Li            comp4900t15
16  Nevin Zhang         comp4900t16
17  Dekai Wu            comp4900t17
18  Dik Lee             comp4900t18
19  Andrew Horner       comp4900t19
20  Huamin Qu           comp4900t20
21  Pan Hui             comp4900t21
22  Qian Zhang          comp4900t22
23  Ke Yi               comp4900t23
24  Fangzhen Lin        comp4900t24
25  Chiew-Lan Tai       comp4900t25
26  Brian Mak           comp4900t26
27  Jogesh Muppala      comp4900t27
28  Sung Kim            comp4900t28
29  Wilfred Ng          comp4900t29
30  Albert Chung        comp4900t30
31  Cecia Chan          comp4900t31
32  Mordecai Golin      comp4900t32
33  Ngok Lam            comp4900t33
34  Bo Li               comp4900t34
35  Desmond Tsoi        comp4900t35
36  Charles Zhang       comp4900t36
37  Yangqiu Song        comp4900t37
38  Tao Wang            comp4900t38
39  Wei Wang            comp4900t39
40  David Rossiter      comp4900t40
41  Raymond Wong        comp4900t41
42  Mordecai Golin      comp4900t42
    /Shing-Chi Cheung
    /Fangzhen Lin

Seminar Attendance and Reflection Report

Seminars organized under COMP 4900 are scheduled on Wednesday 6pm - 7pm. The attendance of a seminar is valid when you

  • Arrive the seminar venue before 6:10pm and take attendance with the TA who's in charge, and
  • Submit a reflection report for that seminar in time and get a Pass grade. Deadline of reflection report submission is within one week of the seminar. Minimum length of the report is 200 words.

You can check your COMP 4900 seminar attendance in Canvas.

Here is the reflection report template, and some sample reflection reports for your reference.

Seminars offered by ENGG 2010 can be double-counted to fulfill COMP 4900 seminar requirement.

Kindly note

  1. ENGG 2010 is managed by School, and the attendance is passed to CSE at the end of the semester to consolidate. Please send inquiries of ENGG 2010 seminar to E2I.
  2. COSC students can't use ENGG 2010 seminars to fulfill COMP 4900 requirements since they're not officially registered to ENGG 2010.

List of COMP 4900 Seminars

CSE Information Seminars

To facilitate your study, the department offers information seminars, including UG orientation (compulsory for Year 2 students), Final Year Project (FYP), job hunting, internship and exchange, IT job markets, CV writing training, etc. List of CSE information seminars:

Date (Wed) Time Venue Event Target group Speaker
07 Sep 2016 (Wed) 6-7pm LTF CSE Program Orientation
- Slides by UG Coordinator
- Slides by Communication Tutor
Year 2 CSE UG (Required) Department Head, UG Coordinator, CSSYSTEM, CT

CSE Talk Series to General CSE UG students

Interesting general talks by our CSE professors, alumni, or students to share their research, profession or experience with fellow students. List of CSE UG talks:

Date (Wed) Time Venue Event Target group Speaker
21 Sep 2016 (Wed) 6-7pm LTF Accenture Tech Talk Series - 1. Tech Trends 2017 All CSE UG Malcolm Hsiao, Managing Director - Digital Technology Strategy, Accenture Strategy
05 Oct 2016 (Wed) 6-7pm LTF Ecological Human-Computer Interaction: Recycle, Reuse, and Repurpose Design All CSE UG Dr. Xiaojuan Ma, CSE
26 Oct 2016 (Wed) 6-7pm LTF How do good UX and UI design make great difference in Web development? & Its Career opportunities in HK All CSE UG Jens Nielsen, Simon Lim, Vivian Lai, General Assembly
09 Nov 2016 (Wed) 6-7pm LTF Mobile Augmented Reality All CSE UG Dr. Pan Hui, CSE
23 Nov 2016 (Wed) 6-7pm LTF Accenture Tech Talk Series - 2. Technologists' Future All CSE UG Digital Technology Strategists from Accenture

Dr. Cindy Li () is the COMP 4900 coordinator for Fall 2016. Inquiries of COMP 4900 attendance can be sent to Luke Lo ().


Q: Is the attendance cumulative?

A: No. For example, taking one seminar is Fall semester and three other seminars in Spring semester won't fulfill the two seminar per semester requirement in Fall semester.

Q: Can ENGG 2010 seminars be double-counted in COMP 4900?

A: If you're officially registered to ENGG 2010 in a particular semester, the ENGG 2010 seminars you attended in that semester can be double-counted to COMP 4900. Note a valid attendance in ENGG 2010 includes 'sit-in the seminar' and 'submit the reflection report and obtain a passing grade'. E2I will hand over the attendance record to us at the end of the semester so you won't see the attendance in COMP 4900 Canvas. ENGG 2010 seminars can't be double counted to COMP 4900 for COSC students and COMP students who're year 4 or above, since they're not officially registered to ENGG 2010.

Q: Do I need to fulfill COMP 4900 requirement when I'm on exchange?

A: If you're in 'leave' academic status, you won't register any HKUST courses including COMP 4900.

Q: What happens if I fail COMP 4900 in one semester?

A: Your COMP 4900 grade for that semester will be F, and it's shown permanently in your transcript. COMP 4900 will still be pre-enrolled to you in following semesters. If you fulfill the requirements, you will eventually get a P grade for COMP 4900 upon your graduation.

Be aware that double failure of COMP 4900 will put you in potential dismissal case.

Q: I'm busy on Wed 6pm - 7pm for other commitment, can I be exempted for the seminar attendance requirements?

You're officially registered in COMP 4900 so we would assume you're available during the time slot.

Q: I can't find my attendance of a particular seminar on COMP 4900 Canvas but I did go there and register with TA.

A: Attendance is taken by scanning the barcode in the back of your student ID card. If you change your student ID card in the middle of the semester, barcode changes too and we might not be able to recognize you. Please email Luke Lo () with your student ID number and new barcode to fix the problem.

Another reason might be you fail the reflection report. Pass requirement of reflection report can be found in reflection report template.

Q: Is there any makeup seminar near the end of the semester?

A: No. Please check seminar schedule of COMP 4900/ENGG 2010 and plan ahead.

Q: I applied to transfer to CSE in the middle of the semester, what is the COMP 4900 requirement for me?

A: Normally, the transfer, if approved, will not be effected until the following term. COMP 4900 will be registered to you in the following term. However, since you're a seasoned student, the requirement is to attend two seminars each term. That is, there is no compulsory requirement on department UG orientation.

Dr. Cindy Li () is the COMP 4900 coordinator for Fall 2016.

COMP 4900 Archive