SASSLO General Search Tips

Match Case

By default, the search will not be case sensitive. This option makes the search case sensitive.

Match Whole Word Only

By default, the search will not be restricted to matching whole words only. This option allows the search to be restricted to whole words only. This is useful for searching for 'a', or 'A' without finding all words including 'a'.

Regular Expression

Regular expressions allow more complex search in a single operation. For example,

".*image.*" searchs all records including "image".

".*anti[-]?virus.*" searchs all records including "antivirus" or "anti-virus".

Regular Expression Syntax:
Symbol Function
\ general escape character
^ assert start of subject
$ assert end of subject
. match any character except newline
[ start character class definition
] end character class definition
| start of alternative branch
( start subpattern
) end subpattern
? 0 or 1 quantifier
* 0 or more quantifier
+ 1 or more quantifier
{ start min/max quantifier
} end min/max quantifier