The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

PhD Thesis Defence



Mr. Min WANG


Today, the Internet is increasingly a platform of online services and 
usion has become a daily routine over the Internet. However, the Internet 
was originally designed to primarily support pairwise host-to-host 
communications and thus is poorly suited for content dissemination among 
multiple hosts. With video content becoming increasingly dominant and 
voluminous, the host-centric paradigm reveals its ine ciencies more 
seriously. In recent years, we have seen a variety of attempts to provide 
more e cient content delivery support orts of content-centric networking 
(CCN) as a clean-slate redesign of the Internet architecture; ii) the wide 
adoption of CDN services; and ering vital support for modern 
data-intensive applications. We coin all these attempts to make the 
Internet a better platform for content distribution as 
the\content-oriented networks". In this thesis, we address several 
important resource management and optimization problems in those 
content-oriented networks.

This thesis consists of three parts. The rst part is about content 
management in CCN. One of the dening features of CCN is pervasive 
in-network caching. The original CCN proposal adopts the ubiquitous-LRU 
caching scheme, which leads to serious on-path redundancy and poor overall 
caching performance. We begin with proposing a new caching scheme PCP and 
demonstrate via trace-driven simulations that PCP outperforms 
ubiquitous-LRU in both microscopic and macroscopic views. Apart from PCP, 
many other new caching schemes have also been proposed. Most of them 
including PCP focus on reducing on-path cache redundancy by invoking 
either explicit or implicit cooperations between nodes along the response 
path. ers from issues of scalability and hurdles of uniform enforcement 
erent ASes. To overcome these limitations, we next propose an intra-AS 
cache cooperation scheme iCCS, which commits to eliminating both on-path 
-path cache redundancy within an AS via a periodic independent procedure. 
We formulate the cooperative redundancy elimination problem CRE-P and then 
propose a distributed greedy algorithm. Through trace-based simulations on 
multiple realistic network topologies, we show that iCCS signicantly 
shortens the request-response latency and dramatically reduces the amount 
of transit tra c without increasing internal link congestions. After that, 
we study the content peering problem in CCN by proposing the content-level 
peering model (CPP). With extensive numerical experiments under realistic 
AS-level peering graphs, we nd that interconnectivity of the peering graph 
signicantly in uences the maximum peering benet, and that cooperative 
caching yields higher peering benets than local greedy caching but is 
sensitive to parameters like peering link bandwidth and AS-level cache 
size. The second part is about content multi-homing with multiple CDNs. We 
propose the MCDN-CM model, aiming to make an optimal operating plan for 
the authoritative CDN by deciding how to supply content requests with 
guaranteed QoS. We show via numerical experiments under realistic settings 
that MCDN-CM achieves a tremendous cost-saving for the authoritative CDN 
compared to other approaches. The third part is about tra c management in 
inter-data center network. We propose the MCTEQ model, which adopts 
utility-based joint-bandwidth allocation for multiple classes of tra c and 
in particular provides end-to-end delay guarantee for interactive ows. We 
demonstrate via numerical experiments over two realistic inter-data center 
networks that MCTEQ achieves considerably higher network utilization than 
the best existing solutions, while running at least twice faster.

Date:			Friday, 3 July 2015

Time:			10:30am - 12:30pm

Venue:			Room 2132C
 			Lift 19

Chairman:		Prof. Wing-Hung Ki (ECE)

Committee Members:	Prof. Brahim Bensaou (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Gary Chan
 			Prof. Jogesh Muppala
 			Prof. Amine Bermak (ECE)
 			Prof. Nael Abu-Ghazaleh (Univ. of California)

**** ALL are Welcome ****