PhD Qualifying Examination



Miss Mingming HE


A video texture, as an intermediate type of medium between an image and a 
video, provides a continuous, infinitely varying stream of video images. 
Filling the gap between the static and the dynamic realm, it is used to 
replace static images with synthesized video sequences so textured objects 
or scenes are enriched with dynamic qualities and living actions. It has a 
wide range of extensive applications in games, movies and virtual reality. 
During the last two decades, much research focuses on the creation of 
video textures. A collection of new techniques have been presented for 
artifact-free video textures, which can be divided into two categories: 
parametric and nonparametric. Parametric methods analyze and synthesize 
video textures depending on parameters and models, while nonparametric 
approaches directly copy image content from the original sequence to the 
output video. First of all, this paper surveys state-of-the-art techniques 
in the two categories with more emphasis on nonparametric methods that 
preserve better visual quality. Nonparametric algorithms are summarized 
and discussed in three types: frame-based, patch-based and pixel-based, 
then followed by a review of two major extensions, cinemagraphs and 
panoramic video textures. Next, we propose the first technique to create 
wide-angle, high-resolution looping panoramic videos, which is a novel 
development in panoramic video textures. Starting with a 2D grid of 
registered videos acquired on a robotic mount, we formulate a 
combinatorial optimization to determine for each output pixel the source 
video and looping parameters that jointly maximize spatio-temporal 
consistency. Then we demonstrate these techniques on gigapixel-sized 
looping panoramas. Finally, in the last section, we discuss limitations of 
current methods, and propose several ideas for future research.

Date:			Thursday, 29 September 2016

Time:                  	2:00pm - 4:00pm

Venue:                  Room 5619
                         Lifts 31/32

Committee Members:	Dr. Pedro Sander (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Long Quan (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Huamin Qu
 			Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai

**** ALL are Welcome ****