Networking and Computer Systems Questions

Below are some questions related to networking and computer systems that may be asked during or after your oral presentation.

  • Did you try GPS instead of Wi-Fi?
  • Why did you use the classic method?
  • What were the difficulties you faced in the porting process?
  • Where did you get your RSSI distance equation?
  • Was the RSSI at one meter a single measurement or an average of several measurements?
  • What did you do when the signal was not stable?
  • What distance did you use in a big room?
  • How dense did the reference nodes need to be?
  • Have you tested the network settings with furniture in the room?
  • How did you train the system with some sample data?
  • How could you improve the localization?
  • How did you know the routing information?
  • Did you use different devices to collect signal strength data? If so, what was the difference in performance?
  • Is there any problem if the robot calibration changes from day to day?
  • Why did you choose a light sensor and an accelerometer?
  • If you did this demo in dim light, would it affect the performance?
  • If the room had a window, would it make a difference?
  • If you block the light, will the system be affected?
  • Since it was very tedious work to collect signal strength data, would it have helped to program the robot to do some of the work?
  • What was the level of accuracy you used to determine the best grid cell size?
  • Why did it work better indoors than it did outdoors?
  • Is the localization affected by the door being open or closed?
  • If the grid cell size is larger, how does that affect the accuracy?
  • Do you always keep a recursive average?
  • Did you ever think about using multiple sensors to receive signals?
  • If you were to use multiple sensors to receive signals, how would you deal with collisions?
  • Are you limited to using a fixed route scenario?
  • Is the 6 second delay setting an ad hoc value (i.e., designed just for this problem), or is there another reason for it?
  • Have you thought about privacy issues?
  • How can you make sure none of the owner's private information is disclosed?
  • How do you address user privacy with the accelerometer and the light sensors?

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